Some websites may have great content, but their meta description isn’t as effective as it could be. However, not all websites are created equal. The more unique and original your content is, the better your chances are of attracting visitors to your website.

Every website has a unique purpose, whether it’s offering a service, selling a product, or providing information. The way you market your site depends on the content you plan to provide.

Fortunately, you can edit your meta description to improve its impact. In this article, you will discover how to create a meta description that will boost your website traffic and increase your chances of success.

What is a Meta Description?

A meta description is an HTML tag that you can use to describe your website. In other words, it’s a description that appears below the head> section of your website’s html> tag. It’s used to highlight relevant keywords and phrases in your website’s title> tag. It also provides some context to the content of your website.

what is meta description

If you’re new to meta descriptions, you might be wondering what they are and why they’re important. Meta descriptions can be a great way to increase your website’s search engine ranking, and they’re also a good way to showcase your content to your target audience.

Meta Description in SEO

Ever heard of meta descriptions? A meta description is a short summary you see appearing in a search engine result page (SERP). It can be seen as a “snippet” of your content, and it’s what potential customers will read before deciding to click your link.

A poorly written meta description can hurt your SEO, but an optimized one could help your rankings. If you really want to succeed with SEO, it’s crucial that you have an attractive meta description.

What’s the Difference Between Title and Meta Description?

Not sure what the difference is between a title and meta description? It’s easy to confuse the two.

Title tags are used to provide information about your website in search results, while meta descriptions are used to provide a short summary of your site’s content.

A good title tag should include your keywords, like your brand name or what you sell. This will help increase your rankings on search engines.

meta title vs meta description

Meta descriptions are considered “snippets” that highlight your website and its content. These snippets should be concise but at the same time, they need to be enticing for readers who may click through to read more about what you have to offer.

Creating an effective meta description can seem tricky, especially if you don’t know where to start. The following six tips will help you create a meta description that will boost your website traffic:

Research Your Target Audience

Who is visiting pages on your website?

What do they want?

What do they need?

What do they like or dislike?

You should always take time out of each day to research and analyze these questions because the answers directly affect how you create and market content for your site.

Whether you’re writing copy or creating a new product line, it benefits you to know as much as possible about the people who visit your site regularly ­- not just so that you can better cater to their needs, but also so that you know what keywords they might use 

How to Create a Meta Description That Will Boost Your Website Traffic

If you want to create a meta description that will boost your website traffic, you need to be strategic. The first thing you need to do is think about what your website offers. If it’s a service or product, include that in your meta description.

Make sure your meta descriptions are clear and concise. You should also make sure to include important keywords and phrases in order to generate more traffic and rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here are some helpful tips for creating a meta description that will attract visitors:

Target Your Audience

Know your audience: who are they? What are their interests? Try to cater the content of your meta descriptions towards specific demographics or age groups.

Keep it short: Keep your descriptions under 160 characters.

Use keywords: use relevant keywords and phrases in the description to boost its ranking on SERPs. It’s important not to overuse them, however, as this can decrease the effectiveness of the meta description (Google penalizes keyword stuffing).

Provide Context: provide context for the content on your site so people know what they’re getting into before they click on it. This means providing information about what a visitor can expect when they click on the link for your website.

 What should meta description contains?

There are a few things that your meta description should contain. You don’t have to include all of these elements, but it’s good to have an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish with your meta description.

1) The first thing your meta description needs is relevant keywords. These words should match the words in the title> tag of your website and appear in the first sentence or two. This will help search engines index your content more easily.

2) Your meta description should also provide a teaser for what visitors can expect when they click through to your website. Be sure to include a sense of urgency or excitement about what you offer so visitors want to click through and find out more about you and the products or services you offer.

3) Your meta description should also include a call-to-action (CTA). By prompting readers with a CTA, you can encourage them to take action by clicking on your link, filling out a form, or visiting another page on your website.

For example, if you’re trying to persuade visitors to sign up for an email list, telling them that “subscribe now” is just one click away is an effective way to get them engaged with your site and business.

As long as you know how long your visitor’s attention span is, there’s no reason why you can’t design a successful meta display ad campaign!

Read Other Useful & Related Content: What is Meta Title?

How long should meta description be?

Meta descriptions are limited to 200 characters, so they need to be concise and to the point. Avoid being too wordy, which will only distract readers from your content.

For example, an effective meta description might say:

Hello there! This is an informative page with lots of great information on how to maximize your SEO efforts and make your website more visible.

On this page you’ll find some helpful information about optimizing your website for search engines as well as tips on how to make it more visible.

You’ll want to avoid using any words other than those related to the topic of your site in order to keep it focused and relevant. The Meta Description should focus on what you have to offer and why people should read about it—not what someone else has to offer that you’re linking to. 

Meta Description Best Practices

One of the most important aspects of a meta description is the length. In general, your meta description should be at least 155 words in order to provide a detailed synopsis of your content. However, the best meta descriptions are between 155 and 160 words long.

Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that your meta description can either persuade or dissuade potential visitors from visiting your website. In other words, you want to give them a reason to stay because you have good content.

Read Other Useful & Related Content: Social bookmarking in SEO

The most successful websites have well-written and carefully executed meta descriptions that entice visitors to click on their links. Remember that not everyone will read your content if they see a poorly written meta description or no description at all.

Here are six tips for writing an effective meta caption:

  1. Be specific with keywords and phrases
  2. Avoid using too many generic phrases like “click here” or “read more”
  3. Include a call-to-action statement such as “shop online now”
  4. Include a brief overview of what people will find on the website
  5. Consider summarizing the site’s most important points in one sentence
  6. Always edit for grammar and spelling errors

What is a meta description used for?

A meta description is used for a few different purposes. One purpose is to rank your web page higher in search engines. Meta descriptions are also useful for the audience, who can get an idea of what your site is about from the text.

What does a good meta description include?

The best meta descriptions include keywords that are relevant to your website and its content. While you want to make sure that your meta description is short and concise, you should also use as many relevant keywords as possible. Doing this will help you rank higher in search engines and make it easier for people to find your site on the internet.

You should also make sure that your meta description includes some context so that people know what they’re clicking on when they arrive at your web page. This way, they won’t get frustrated if they don’t see anything that interests them right away.

Finally, be sure that you proofread before publishing! If you make any mistakes, Google might not show your webpage in the search results.

Tips for Writing a Great Meta Description

The following are some tips for writing a great meta description:

  • Keep your meta description under 160 characters.
  • Include the name of your website and how it can be found.
  • Highlight keywords or phrases that are most relevant to the content of your website.
  • Think of what type of person you want to attract with your site and use language that appeals to that person.
  • Use a list if there is more than one keyword or phrase you want to mention.


Meta descriptions are important for your website’s organic rankings. The meta description, a short snippet of text that appears in search engine results pages, aims to attract a searcher’s click.

A meta description is limited to 160 characters and should be compelling, informative, and keyword-rich. Here are some best practices for writing a meta description:

  • Be specific and relevant, and include your most important keywords
  • Include a call to action such as “visit our site”
  • Use your company’s/product’s name as the last words of the meta description
  • Include the URL of the page
  • Keep it brief (160 characters).

Frequently Asked Questions- FAQs About Meta Description

Does Meta Description Affect SEO?

The meta description doesn’t affect SEO. However, it does affect how your content is perceived by a search engine. Search engines are able to use meta descriptions to determine what a website is about and decide where it should rank on search results pages.

How to check the meta description of a website?

If you want to edit or write a meta description for your website, you’ll need to first find out what that description currently is. Most web browsers allow users to see the description by hovering over the title of the website in the search engine results page.

What is Meta Description Character Limit?

The maximum character limit for meta description varies depending on the search engine, but they generally range between 155-160 characters.

How Can I Use Meta Descriptions?

You can create an attractive and catchy meta description by using your products /services specific features to attract users.

Is meta description important for SEO?

Meta descriptions are important for SEO because Google and other search engines use them as a way to rank your site. They also provide some context for the content of your website, so that visitors know what they can expect when they click through.

Where Does Meta description show up?

A meta description will show up in the search engine results pages when someone searches for a related keyword. However, it’s important to note that not all websites have meta descriptions. 

Is meta description still important?

Meta descriptions are still important because they help search engines index your content. Websites with better meta descriptions will rank higher in search engine indexes. 

Can meta description be the same as content?

In some cases, you can have the same description as your content. It all depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your website.

Should meta description be different on each page?

A meta description should be different on each page. A good rule of thumb is to make your meta descriptions 3-4 sentences long for optimal readability and SEO purposes. 

How to fix duplicate meta descriptions?

If you want to fix duplicate meta descriptions, then write unique and attractive meta descriptions for every single page or service. A duplicate meta description will actually hurt your website’s ranking.

How to find duplicate meta descriptions?

There are a few ways to find duplicate meta descriptions. One way is to use Google’s free tool, TinEye ( It will compare pictures from your website with other websites and can tell you if the images are the same or not. Another way to check for duplicates is to use a web developer tool such as Firebug or Firefox’s Developer Toolbar. You can also use tools like Skyscraper (

How long does meta description take to update?

It can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days for updates to show on the SERP. However, if you’ve updated your meta description and it’s still not showing up, there are a few things you might want to consider before reaching out to Google.

How can meta description be tag-helpful in SEO?

Using a meta description can help improve your search engine ranking. If you have a short, engaging, and honest meta description, potential visitors will be more likely to click through to your site if they think it looks trustworthy.

Are meta descriptions a ranking factor?

Although meta descriptions are not a ranking factor, they can still provide benefits to your site. Google still uses meta descriptions as a ranking factor, but they have never confirmed whether or not they use it to determine rankings.


Creator of I AM UR TEACHER, Engineer by Degree. 4+ Experience in Digital Marketing, Travel & Gym Lover.

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