When you write a business-related blog, send an article to your company’s press release service, or submit an article to a publication’s article submission service, you’re essentially taking a risk. You might receive a positive response and your article might be accepted, but that’s about the extent of it. Most of the time, you’ll receive a response that your article is not suitable for publication, has errors, or is spam.

If you get a response like that, it’s probably not a good idea to send business-related content to begin with. You should never send out content to a service or publication that you do not believe in. But even if you get an amazing response, that still doesn’t mean you’ll be able to turn your article into a full-fledged success. This is where copywriting mistakes start.

Here are some common copywriting mistakes that will cost your business. If you make these mistakes, don’t worry, you don’t have to stop writing but you will have to edit your content more often and avoid these mistakes to keep your business away from mediocrity.

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the process of writing a message that is conveyed to an audience. It’s the writing that gets your article accepted for publication, and it’s also the writing that converts leads into customers. There are different types of copywriting, but all of them need to be effective in order to convert leads into customers.

The most common type of copywriting is article copywriting. Article copywriting is the writing that gets your article accepted for publication. This type of copywriting is used to persuade people to read your article and then make a purchase from you. You can use article copywriting to convince your readers to click on a link in your article, or even to buy something from you.

Another common type of copywriting is attraction copywriting. This type of copywriting is used to increase the likelihood that people will click on a link in your article and then visit your website. You can use attraction copywriting to ensure that your article has a strong first impression and leads people to explore your website more closely.

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Finally, there are persuasive letter copywriters. Persuasive letter copywriters use persuasive language and images to create a compelling argument for why someone should buy something from you. They use persuasive language and images to make sure readers understand how important their purchase is, and they use persuasive language and images to ensure that readers stay interested in your product or service throughout the entire process.

Copywriting Audit

Your business should have a copywriting audit in order to identify the mistakes that you make and correct them. A copywriting audit can help you identify the following:

  • The type of copy that’s being written
  • The tone of the content
  • The grammar
  • The structure of the article
  • The keywords used
  • The overall tone of your website or blog

Copywriting Psychological Triggers

Copywriting psychological triggers can help you create effective copy. These triggers can help you create sentences that will get a reader’s attention, and will also help you to sell your products or services. But it’s important to be aware of these triggers and to use them in a way that benefits your business.

25 Copywriting Mistakes you Should Avoid

Writing Too Much

One of the most common copywriting mistakes is writing too much. This can lead to errors in your article, a lower click-through rate, and an overall loss of potential customers. If you’re not careful, you can end up with very little return on your investment in online content.

When you write too much, it becomes difficult to edit and improve your content. You might even find yourself having to rewrite entire articles because you didn’t account for the changes that someone might make to a story after reading it. This could lead to a decrease in the number of readers who visit your website or even a loss of revenue.

Using the Wrong Audience

One of the most common copywriting mistakes is using the wrong audience. You might think that your article is fit for an audience of people who are interested in your product or service, but you’re not. Instead, you should target a specific audience and write your article accordingly.

For example, if you want to write an article about online marketing for small businesses, you should target a specific audience: small business owners. Instead of writing to people who are interested in online marketing, you should focus on small business owners who are looking for tips on how to improve their websites. This will ensure that your article is relevant and interesting to a specific population.

 Forgetting to Use Helps

One of the most common mistakes people make when writing business-related articles is forgetting to use help. This is especially true when you’re trying to write copy that will be helpful to your readers. You should think about what words will help your readers understand your article and use them in your article.

For example, if you want to target African-American men between 23-35 years old who are single and make at least $35,000 a year, you might use the words “between” and “single.” This would help your readers see that you’re targeting a specific audience and could also be helpful in attracting their attention.

But don’t stop there! You should also include helpful phrases such as “who makes $35,000 a year,” “in this age group,” or “in black America.” These phrases will help your readers quickly understand what you’re saying and they will also help to ensure that your article is of high quality.

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Telling Too Much in One Sentence

This mistake is often made when you want to make a point but don’t have enough words to make it clear. For example, you might say, “Your business can increase sales by $5,000 a month” but you might be better off saying, “Your business can increase sales by 5,000 dollars a month.” This will help your reader understand what you are saying more clearly.

Using the Wrong Tone

When you write, you should always use a positive tone. This will help to build trust with your audience and make sure that your content is of value to them. However, there are times when you need to use a negative tone.

For example, when you’re writing an article about how your product can improve the customer experience. In this case, you might use a negative tone to make sure that your readers understand how bad their experience was.

Writing for the Digital Age

One of the most common mistakes people make when writing for the digital age is not using proper grammar. You might think that you’re using a new word or term and that it will be automatically corrected, but this is not always the case.

You might not realize that you used a word that has been used before in your article and it will be automatically corrected. But if you use a word that has never been used before in your article, it might still be incorrect.

You should also avoid using clichés and other filler words. These words are often used to pad out an article and they won’t do any good. Instead, use real-life examples to illustrate your points. And finally, don’t forget to use concrete examples to help your readers understand your points.

Not Knowing What to Write about

One of the most common copywriting mistakes is not knowing what to write about. If you don’t have a specific topic in mind, your content will be unfocused and uninspiring. You might also find that your article is filled with clichés and you won’t be able to answer any of the questions people have.

You need to know what you’re writing about in order to create an effective article. When you don’t know what to write about, you need to start by brainstorming some ideas. Once you have a good list of ideas, you can begin writing them down. Editing them is key; make sure they are clear, concise, and interesting.

Not Enough Research

One of the most common copywriting mistakes is not enough research. This is because when you’re writing an article, you should be researching the subject matter in depth. You should also be researching the competition and trying to find any similar articles that have been written.

Too Much Pressure to Write

When you’re under pressure to write a specific amount of content per day, it can be difficult to focus on the task at hand. You might feel like you have to write something, but it’s not really your job. You might feel like you have to produce high-quality content in a short amount of time, but that’s not really your job either.

You should never feel like you have to produce quality content at all times and this will help you avoid the many copywriting mistakes that will cost you your business.

Confusing or Off-Putting Language

Your article might be successful if it’s well-written, but if you use confusing or off-putting language, your readers will skim the surface and never really understand what you’re saying. This can damage your relationship with your readers and make them less likely to return to your content in the future.

Grammar and Writing Style Issues

The first and most common mistake that businesses make when writing content is not using a correct grammar. This can lead to errors in your writing, which will have a negative impact on the quality of your article. In addition, sloppy writing style can also be detrimental to your business.

Poor grammar and writing style often give readers the wrong idea about what you’re saying. People might not be able to understand what you’re trying to say, and this could lead to lost sales or even decreased clickthrough rates.

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Assuming mathematical literacy

When you’re writing a marketing message, you should always assume that your readers are math-literate. This is especially true when you’re trying to calculate complex formulas or figure out how much money you should spend on a particular campaign. assumemath.com is a great resource for understanding the basics of mathematical literacy. This can help you avoid common copywriting mistakes that can cost you business.

Neglecting the most persuasive conjunction

When you’re writing a marketing message, it’s important to use persuasive conjunction. This is the ability to combine two or more words together to create an irresistible sentence that will get your reader to take notice. When you neglect this principle, you’ll end up with an unreadable sentence that won’t get your readers to stay interested in your product or service.

For example, if you want your readers to buy a product, you should combine the words “buy” and “products.” This will make it clear to your readers that they can buy the product right away. If you don’t have this sort of conjunction in your message, your readers will be left wondering what the heck you’re trying to sell them.

Forgetting to flip positives into negatives

One of the most common mistakes small businesses make is forgetting to flip negatives into positives. This can lead to a lot of problems. For example, if you’re selling a product, you may forget to state the negative features first. You might instead mention that this product is great for your needs.

However, if you state the positive features first, your potential customers will be more likely to buy it. Additionally, this mistake can also lead to a lack of trust in your company. People are less likely to buy something they don’t think is worth their time and money.

Making Word Soup

A common mistake small businesses make is using too many words in a marketing message. This can be confusing and difficult for your audience to understand. To avoid this, try to use one or two words per sentence and focus on the main points of your message.

Incorrect Use of Emotions: Another common mistake small businesses make is not using emotions in their marketing messages. They might use terms like “sales speak” or “engage customers today.” However, these phrases are not effective because they lack emotion. Instead, use words that are associated with positive emotions, such as happiness, love, and joy.

Using One-word Titles: Finally, another common mistake small businesses make is using one-word titles in their marketing messages. This can be confusing and hard to remember for customers. Instead, use titles that are specific to your business, such as “ proven online marketing techniques for your business” or “3 easy steps to improve your website ranking today.”

Writing From The Wrong Perspective

One of the most common copywriting mistakes is writing from the perspective of the customer. This is when you write about your customers in a way that makes them feel like they are the only people who matter.

For example, you might write: “We’re the best choice for your business because we understand what you need and we can help you get there.” This type of writing often results in lower levels of engagement and higher levels of Lost Confidence.

Sharing A Laundry List Of Benefits

One of the most common mistakes small businesses make is sharing a laundry list of benefits with their customers. This can be very helpful to those who are new to your business or who don’t have a lot of knowledge about your product or service.

However, it can also be confusing and misleading to those who do know more about you. For example, you might say that your product is “the best in the industry.” But what does that mean? Is that true? Or are there other products in the market that are better? To avoid this mistake, always include aiets details about your product or service in your marketing message.

Regurgitating The Product Description

One of the most common copywriting mistakes is regurgitating the product description. This happens when you use the same phrase over and over again in your marketing materials. It’s important to be different and to use new, unique phrases that will stand out from the rest.

For example, you might write about how your product can help your business grow or how it can improve customer service.

You can also create a slogan that you use in your marketing materials and promote your business. Make sure that your slogan is unique and memorable so that people will remember it long after they’re done reading your marketing materials.

 Using Emotional Triggers For Evil

In order to make your marketing message more potent and persuasive, you need to use emotional triggers to get people to act. This can be done in a number of ways, but one common way is by using images that are associated with positive emotions.

For example, you might use a happy image when you want your target audience to feel excited about your product or service. You might also use a calming image when you want people to feel reassured about the current state of your business.

You could also use images that evoke negative emotions, such as an image of a disaster. By using emotional triggers, you can get people to act on your marketing message in a way that’s beneficial for your business.

 Using Passive vs Active Voice

One of the most common copywriting mistakes is using passive voice. The passive voice describes a situation in which the speaker is not involved in the event or action taking place. In other words, the speaker is not a character in the story.

This can be dangerous because it can make it difficult for you to take control of your message and make it clear who is doing the speaking, who is listening, and who is responsible for what.

For example, if you’re a small business trying to promote your product, you might use passive voice to describe how people will use your product. You might say, “Your customers will love our new product because it’s easy to use and its powerful enough to compete with the best products on the market.” This type of sentence sounds like a character in a story instead of an objective fact.

It gives your readers a sense of control over the situation, which can make them more likely to buy your product. However, this type of sentence can also be confusing and difficult to read. To avoid this mistake, try using active voice instead.

Active voice describes situations in which people are involved in the event or action taking place. It sounds like a character in the story and gives your readers a sense of ownership over what is happening.

For example, you might say, “Our new product is easy to use and its powerful enough to compete with the best products on the market!” This sentence sounds like an objective fact

Over- Or Underthinking SEO

One of the most common mistakes small businesses make when it comes to SEO is over-thinking it. They don’t have enough time or resources, so they try to do everything themselves and end up with a generic website that doesn’t look good or generate traffic.

Instead of trying to do too much, focus on doing a little bit and seeing how your SEO efforts improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Once you’ve seen a noticeable improvement, you can go ahead and start doing more.

 Going Absolutely Crazy With Intensifiers

Intensifiers are a common mistake that small businesses make. Intensifiers increase the impact of words on a sentence, making it difficult for your reader to understand what you’re saying. For example, you might use an intensifier like “very” to describe something that is extremely important. This increases the potential severity of the sentence and makes it difficult for your reader to pay attention.

You can avoid this mistake by using qualifiers instead of intensifiers. For example, you might say “a very important fact,” rather than “a very important fact, indeed.” This will help to avoid overloading your sentence with unnecessary information.

You can also avoid overloading your sentence by using strong Conditional Clauses (Clauses that Conditionally Say What If). For example, you might say “If you don’t act now, your data will be lost.” This will help to ensure that your sentence is clear and concise without overwhelming your reader with too much information at once.

 Using Idioms, Colloquialisms, and Other Obscure Language

There are a lot of idioms and colloquialisms that small businesses use without realizing it. These words can be confusing to new customers and cause them to doubt your marketing message. In addition, these words can make your message sound like it’s from a different era.

For example, you might say, “We’re the best in the business.” But to someone who is used to hearing about companies that are known for their quality control and customer service, this might sound like a boastful statement.

Another common mistake is using swear words in your marketing messages. This can cause people to doubt your sincerity or your ability to serve as a credible source of information. Additionally, it can make your message seem less professional.

Copywriters need to be aware of these mistakes and use more specific language when writing marketing messages. They should also avoid using terms that are outdated or difficult to remember.

 Forgetting The CTA

One of the most common mistakes small businesses make is forgetting the CTA. The CTA is the call-to-action that appears on your website or in your marketing materials. Without a CTA, you won’t be able to convince your potential customers to visit your website or sign up for your email list. You can easily fix this by adding a CTA to your website or marketing materials.

 Failing to test a long copy

Too often, small businesses put their faith in long copy. This type of copy is often too vague or general to be useful, and it can quickly become outdated. A better way to market your business is to focus on specific topics and test different messages around those topics. This way, you’ll know what works and what doesn’t.

Using the structure that strangles your copy

Your marketing must be clear, concise, and persuasive. However, too often, small businesses use the same structure for every message. This can strangle your copy and make it difficult to read. Instead of using the same format for your marketing messages, break them into smaller chunks that are easier to understand. For example, you could break your marketing messages into five main topics:

  • The product or service
  • How it help you
  • The benefits you will receive
  • The cost of the product or service
  • What customers have said about the product or service
  • Where to find more information about the product or service

Copywriting Words to Avoid

Here are a few words that you should avoid when writing business-related content.

  1. strategy
  2. marketing
  3. product
  4. company

How to Avoid Copywriting Mistakes

  1. Use the Wrong Words

When you write, you use words to convey your ideas. When you copywrite, you use words to create a copy that will be read by people. The wrong words can cost your business a lot of money.

  1. Make Your Text Unreadable

Your text should be easy to read and understand. Make sure your text is concise and doesn’t include too many words. You don’t need a lot of text when you can provide a clear, concise, and easy-to-read version of your idea.

Pitfalls of Copywriting

  1. You Don’t Mix Styles

If you have a style that you want to keep, but your content is in a different style, you’ll have to mix them together. This will make it hard for the reader to follow your argument and will make it difficult to read your article.

  1. You Use Terrible Words

You should use good words when you can, but you also need to avoid using bad words. This will make your writing more accessible and will help the reader understand what you’re saying.

  1. You Use Incorrect Words

One of the most common mistakes people make when writing copy is using incorrect words. For example, they might use terms like “minimums” or “required fields” that are not accurate. This will make it difficult for the reader to understand what you’re saying and will lead to confusion in the reading experience.

  1. You Write in a Cumbersome Way

When you write in a cumbersome way, it becomes very hard for the reader to follow your argument and understand the text. Additionally, this type of writing increases the chance that the reader won’t be able to continue reading after getting stuck on a sentence or two.

  1. You Use Too Many Words

You should use only necessary words when possible, but you also need to limit yourself to around 350-500 words per article. This will help make your article easier to read and less crowded

Do Copywriters Make Mistakes?

Yes, copywriters do make mistakes. But when they make the wrong mistakes, it can cost your business a lot of money.

For example, one common mistake is not using proper verb tenses. This can lead to incorrect grammar and poor sentence structure. You might also end up with duplicate content or misspellings.

Another common mistake is using inappropriate adjectives and verbs. This can cause your writing to sound strange or choppy. You might also find yourself using terms that are not in the market for the term you’re using.

And finally, you might make a mistake with punctuation. For example, you might use incorrect periods, commas, and other common punctuation marks in your writing. This can lead to confusing or awkward sentences and results in lower quality content.

What Are the Challenges of Copywriting?

There are a few different challenges that come with writing copy. One is that it can be difficult to know what words to use and which ones to use sparingly. Another challenge is that people often don’t take the time to read a copy before they make a decision about whether or not to click on it.

How Do You Practice Writing Copy?

You should start by understanding what you want your readers to know. If you want them to read your article for information, you need to be clear about what that information is. You also need to make sure that your writing is easy to read and understand. Most importantly, make sure that your writing is well-organized. This will help your readers easy understand what you’re saying and will also make it easier for them to follow along with your article.

How Do You Stop Copywriting Mistakes?

There are a few things you can do to help prevent copywriting mistakes from costing you your business.

First, make sure you have a good understanding of what you’re writing about. Make sure your article is well-researched and that the information you’re providing is accurate.

Second, be aware of the common copywriting mistakes and avoid them as much as possible.

Third, make sure you have a well-developed editing process and that your content is of high quality before submitting it to any publication.


Poor writing can be a costly mistake, and can reflect poorly on your company. To avoid these mistakes, make sure to take the time to read through your copy and make sure all the key points are included. Additionally, make sure to use persuasive language to get your reader to click through to your page or read on for more.

Copywriting mistakes can cost you a lot of money, so it’s important to be aware of them and to avoid them if at all possible. If you send business-related content to a service or publication that you do not believe in, you might not be able to turn your article into a success.

Frequently Asked Questions- FAQs About Copywriting Mistakes

Do Copywriters Make Mistakes?

Yes, copywriters do make mistakes. But when they make the wrong mistakes, it can cost your business a lot of money.

What Are the Challenges of Copywriting?

One is that it can be difficult to know what words to use and which ones to use sparingly. Another challenge is that people often don’t take the time to read a copy before they make a decision about whether or not to click on it.

How Do You Practice Writing Copy?

You should start by understanding what you want your readers to know. If you want them to read your article for information, you need to be clear about what that information is.

How Do You Stop Copywriting Mistakes?

First, make sure you have a good understanding of what you’re writing about. Make sure your article is well-researched and that the information you’re providing is accurate.


Creator of I AM UR TEACHER, Engineer by Degree. 4+ Experience in Digital Marketing, Travel & Gym Lover.

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