When you create a new post, of course you want maximum traffic on it, for that you should always do so with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind. The main question that appears is that what changes are needed in website content to benefit my search rankings.
Rank math SEO plugin is used as a tool to determine your content’s future interaction by analizing it completely. Today we’ll do rank math SEO analysis and look up on the factors and changes that you should do to increase you Search Rankings.
In this post we’ve done a rank math review to give you the complete picture of why are you might be failing in search rankings.
You must’ve been frustated watching the score low out of 100, given by rank math SEO. We all aim for the 100/100 every time but this never happens and ain’t the most important thing. Rank math SEO is a very helpful and useful guide but remember it ain’t the only option you have to improve your Search rankings.
Even they themselves have said that “Rank math seo plugin is a guide and should not be seen as a target to achieve. It gives you a reference based only on your content and not on your site’s past performance, so your content can may rank without it based on other factors. Rank math SEO plugin is only a tool made to see as a to-do list and nothing more.
But as per the changes and improvements seen in ranking of content after following the Rank math SEO guide, it can be said that it is indeed can be very much helpful and less time taking than other factors.

We’ll do Rank math SEO analysis of each point on it’s list that determines your SEO score to help you achieve a 100/100 in test.

Now the points following, you’ll see on-page, would be broken down into:
Table of Contents:
Basic SEO
- Focus keyword
- How to know what should be your focus keyword?
- Adding Focus Keyword in the SEO title
- Add Focus keyword in the URL
- Add Focus keyword at the beginning of your content
- Add Focus Keyword in the content
- Keyword Stuffing
- Using Alt text of images
- Keyword Density
- Use short URLs
- Adding credibility by external resources
- Adding Internal Links
Title Readability
- Focus Keyword at Beginning
- Adding some Sentiment to your title
- Not Sentiment? Then how about Power
- Play of numbers
Content Readability
- Table of Contents
- Using short paragraphs for better readability
- Adding Graphics
- Size of Content
What can you expect in return?
List of points to analyze for Rank Math SEO Score guide
- Basic SEO
- Additional
- Title Readability
- Content Readability
#1 Basic SEO
Focus Keyword
It is the most important thing to keep an eye on, during content writing and Rank math SEO analysis.

Whenever you write a content, it is much needed to be written around a specific keyword, which you want it to be ranked on. When you know your focus keyword, you can add that to the page (as per the image below).

Rank math will then analyse it and would check some other ranking factors based on that.

How to know what should be your focus keyword?
This completely based on the subject you’re writing your piece of content on while keeping an eye on SEO keyword strategy. If You’re writing to give a review of a product, the keyword should be that, if you’re giving specific service or knowledge on specific subject, your target keyword should be slightly broader term, while doing the SEO research is must for better Rank math SEO result and better search rankings. Also to consider, try to use as natural keyword as you can, use both long tail and short tail keywords that you think people would search.
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Adding Focus Keyword in the SEO title
This is just to confirm that your focus keyword which you’ve just chosen is in your meta title. Because the meta title is what people would see in their Search result, so being present of focus keyword in the meta title would encourage more traffic to your site. This can be edited by going to the ‘Edit Snippet’ button and should be a maximum of 160 charcters.
Adding your focus keyword to your SEO meta description can be a golden move but remember not to force it, if the keyword do not fit in the relevant sections, let it go, all you need to do is keep it natural.
Add Focus keyword in the URL
Also called as ‘permalink’ is also useful for search rankings, adding your focus keyword in the URL helps to let browser know what your content is about and helps you reach your targeted audience. This can also be done in the ‘Edit Snippet’ section.
Also to consider, if you edit your URL of the published post, don’t forget to setup a redirect, so the people don’t face a dead end of the old URL.
Add Focus keyword at the beginning of your content
Adding your focus keyword in the first paragraph of your content and too in your on-page Heading 1 (H1) can be very much helpful. Highlighting it in the first paragraph of your content makes it easy and effective for the browser and users to understand what you’re talking about, but if it do not fits in the position then do not try to add it forcefully, main moto is to keep it natural, you can use the keywords throughout your content too.
Add Focus Keyword in the content
It’s obvious that adding you focus keyword throughout your content is so much important as it signifies to readers and browser the topic of your page/post. Search engines like to give their users the most relevant content to their users according to their demand.
Adding your focus keyword only on title and not on content would not do the magic and the search engine won’t show you to it’s users, try to use your focus keyword as naturally and as much as you can to improve your search rankings. Rank math SEO plugin too analysis the use of focus keyword throughout the content and gives you the score.
Keyword Stuffing
Another thing that is must to keep in mind is not to do Keyword stuffing, Keyword stuffing is a thing that most of browsers penalises websites for. To ignore that you can use variations in your focus keyword to maintain the relevancy and not repeating the same keyword.
See your Rank math SEO plugin score and the recommendations based on your focus keyword. If the overall score that came out is above than 80, then it will appear green. Meaning of a green score in Rank math SEO plugin is that your post is ready to publish and get ranked
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#2 Additional
Add the Focus Keyword in subheading(s)
Not like the old pattern, subheadings don’t do that much of work now but it can still help you with things like keyword stuffing, you can try your keyword variations in them to avoid getting penalised by search engines.

Using Alt text of images
As search engines do not scan images rather they read alt text of the image, you can use it to place your Focus keyword in alt text to get more descriptive in signifying the topic of your content to the search engine and it can help you in search rankings.

As per the terms of rank math SEO plugin one should always remember to specify alt text descriptively to give more context to your content.
Keyword Density
Your density being is 0 is very much of a problem, aim for approx. 1% of keyword density. Rank Math SEO analysis the content of your page or post and gives you the keyword density of your focus keyword. This tool also helps in avoid stuffing but you should have at least 1% of it to make it work and till the usage of your keyword doesn’t seem unnatural, there is no problem to worry about.
As we discussed already, the best way to avoid stuffing is to use variations and related keywords to give it a slight broad context while not getting penalised.
Use Short URLs
Another thing that search engine(s) hate are long URLs, try to make your URL short like anything below 50 characters. As it turned out users think long URLs are spammy and all of your content is based on user interaction then provide them the experience they want, give them short URLs including your focus keyword to rank higher in the result pages.
Adding credibility by external resources
Linking external sites in your content to provide proof can give your content more credibility. As it do not work in every field, you can’t link news reports, if you’re selling a product but if you’re giving review or knowledge in your content, linking external resources can be very helpful to back up your information from other sources.
Adding Internal Links
Internal linking is considered as a great act in SEO.
It is the act of linking to different pages in your content. It improves user experience and can be used as providing them more information in your website. It spreads your page ranking power to other oages of your website, resulting in improving the domain authority.
#3 Title Readability
This upcoming section is specifically heading towards the SEO title or can be named as the Meta Title. Improving the first picture of you in search results can increase your click through rate.

Focus Keyword at Beginning
Adding Focus keyword in the beginning of title
This one can be the wild card and provide you extra points. As we have already talked about adding Focus keyword in the meta title, here I’m specifically considering adding keyword at the beginning.
By starting with your Focus keyword you can tell your users and search engines at the very first moment that what your content is all about, which can help you rank higher. Adding it on the beginning do not risk to get cut out in small screens
Adding some Sentiment to your title
Adding positive or negative sentiment words in your title (such as best, worst, amazing, fantastic, etc.) are seem to have higher click through rate. All of your content is designed to give user a better experience and as we know sparking an emotion can be of so use in your title to convince user to tap on you site.
(For example – 5 Best ways to rank on top or 5 worst mistakes you could be doing. ) They spark a curiosity in user to read. Of course this is not essential, it has no use in SEO and Rank math SEO plugin score but it can be used as an extra tip.
Not Sentiment? Then how about Power
Similar to sentiment words, power words also helps to spark a curiosity and can help you increase your click through rate. Power words are : new, latest, free or how to etc. or adding some more descriptive details can also help. For example changing ‘5 ways to increase ranking’ to ‘5 easy ways to increase ranking in 10 minutes’ , generates more curiosity.
Play of numbers
Another recommendation which helps to ignite spark is adding number in your SEO title. Having number in your SEO title makes user clarify the length of content. And as per the psychological people love and attract towards specific numbers. So, giving specifications can be useful in increasing your click through rate.
As like the above topics it’s not always relevant to Rank math SEO plugin score, it’s just for some extra points.
#4 Content Readability
After editing the readability of your SEO title, now let’s look at your content as a whole.

User experience is what matters the most for page rankings, the more people would stay on your page, the more google or other search engines would recommend people to see it. Following are the ways by which you can improve your content readability.
Table of Contents
Using table of contents specially for long content is very useful as it divides and describes to your user, what are you giving them as a whole. It makes them find out the content of their use and directly read it, rather than scrolling and finding it. There are a many plugins you can use to create a table of content.
Using short paragraphs for better readability
Shorter paragraphs leaves a better impression on user, as it is easier to read and provides you a better UX. Specially for long contents, people do not like to read it as a book, divide it in short paragraphs to attract users.
This is not always relevant, as Rankmath SEO do not analyse it, it is all to you.
Adding Graphics
Adding images and videos can be a appealing move to make your content look good and provide better user experience significantly. As we have discussed they can provide a new dimension as alt text to add your keyword to increase your score in Rank Math SEO analysis.
Size of Content
Writing 400 words to get considered is the old way. Rank Math have got new criterion to check your content ranking skills.
- Following are the terms Rank Math SEO uses while analysing content
- More than 2500 words: 100% score
- 2000-2500 words: 70% score
- 1500-2000 words: 60% score
- 1000-1500 words: 40% score
- 600-1000 words: 20% score
What can you expect in return?
To clarify that Rank math SEO plugin optimization score do not predicts future. As you’ve been aware of the fact that SEO is not an exact science, it’s works on research, testing and continues experiments and using that experience.
All the suggestions that rank math SEO plugin provides are based on that, which can be of so much use but it’s not exact future. While writing the post we all have the desire of attaining 100% score but apart from that user experience is what we should give more attention to.
Recommendations given by rank math SEO plugin are should be considered as a to-do list but don’t make them the only guideline to follow while writing.
At last we would suggest to take Rank math SEO plugin as a suggestion, it can surely give you a great response by increasing the search rankings of your site on result of search engines but do not consider them as your only option.
Thank you for telling this, I was actually struggling with my site’s Rank math score.
Very helpful 👍
Such a great plugin, It helped me a lot to rank of google search engine. It provide the things that are needed to rank well on search engine. No SEO should ignore them.
Great content.
Incredible points. Great arguments. Keep up the amazing effort.
Do you offer individual teaching sessions? I just installed Rank Math on my site and want to back through all of my blog posts to analyze and improve for better SEO ranking.
I learn better if I am able to share my screen and go through the process at least a couple of times.
Thank you
Very Informative!