Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Approximately 65% of all internet traffic is focused on Google’s results pages. Keeping this in mind, it’s no surprise that it has become one of the most important search engines for businesses as well.

Google has many different algorithms that determine which websites get listed in its search results and, therefore, get more visitors. One of those algorithms is known as ‘keyword research’ and it’s something that you should take advantage of if you want to improve your Google keyword ranking over time.

In this post we will explore some useful tips for improving your Google keyword ranking so you can gain more visibility for your business and increase organic traffic to your website. 

What an Seo Professionals Do?

First, let’s look at what you as a seo consultant need to do to help your clients rank better in their Google keyword research.

Here we’ll explore some of the best practices for keyword research, how to create relevant title tags, and how to write compelling and informative content that will help boost your SEO campaign.

Keyword research is the first and most important step to optimizing your website for better rankings in Google. It’s also one of the most overlooked stages of SEO. When you’re looking to improve your keyword ranking, first and foremost, you’re looking to find keywords that are relevant and have the potential to generate traffic to your website.

Keyword research is all about finding words or phrases that people are typing into Google to find your products or services. As you are likely aware, most people don’t have the time or resources to type in long, complicated phrases to search for products or services on the internet.

So what do people do? They use the search bar to type in a short or concise word or phrase that someone might type into Google when they want to find a product, service, or piece of information. Keyword research is all about finding those short, meaningful phrases and turning them into long-tail keywords that will drive traffic to your website. 

Use Long-Tailed Keywords

While the goal in all keyword research is to find keywords that are relevant and have the potential to generate traffic to your site, don’t forget that you need to choose keywords that are easy to write and read.

You cannot expect your visitors to type in long-tail keywords if they cannot even read the content that you have written. If your content is full of jargon or too technical, you are essentially shooting down your chances of ranking higher in Google.

Choosing long-tail keywords means that the words that you use have an extended meaning without being overly complicated.

For example, instead of using the keyword “dog food,” try using “beneficial for dogs” or “a good choice for dogs.” 

Measure Your Rankings

Keyword research is not just about finding the best keywords to rank for; it’s also about seeing how much traffic you are receiving from those keywords. Once you have chosen your best keywords, you want to measure the traffic that each one of them is generating.

It’s important to see how much traffic each of your keywords is getting because it will show you where you should focus your efforts. If a keyword is getting a high amount of traffic, but it is not one of your best keywords, you can easily remove it from your list and work on improving your other keywords instead. 

Target the Right Keywords

As you are conducting your keyword research, you want to make sure that you are targeting the right keywords. Let’s say that you are looking for the keyword “dog food.”

People are not going to type in this long-tail keyword, but what if you put the word “recipe” before it? What if you use the keyword “the best dog food recipe?”

Now we are targeting a more specific set of keywords that are still relatively long-tail, but we aren’t targeting the word “diet.” If we were looking for a term like “dog food for overweight pets,” we would go back to targeting long-tail keywords. 

Clean Up Your Site Structure

If you want to improve your Google keyword ranking, you first need to focus on the quality of your content. You want to make sure that the articles, videos, and other content that is published on your site is of the highest quality.

It’s also important to make sure that your site is clean, that it is well-organized, and that it has a clear and logical structure. If you have a messy site or one that is not properly organized, your chances of getting good content up on the first page of Google are slim to none.

You want to clean up your site structure to make sure that it follows a logical and clear path that is easy to navigate. 

Pay Attention to User Experience Signals

The more your Google keyword ranking improves, the more chances there are of you getting penalized. Google has many different algorithms to help determine which websites get listed in its search results and, therefore, get more traffic.

One of those algorithms is known as “user experience.” Google’s “user experience” is all about how well a user is able to navigate a website. One way to make sure that your “user experience” is on point is to make sure that your site is clean, organized, and easy to navigate.

If you make sure that you are following good practices for keyword research and building out a quality site, you will be doing your “user experience” a big favor. 

Optimize for Users & Search Engines

The goal of all of this keyword research and keyword targeting is to boost your rankings in the Google search engine results pages. If you want to improve your keyword ranking and gain more visibility in the SERPs, you need to focus on improving your site’s ranking and get your pages to show up in Google’s top 10 results.

There are a number of ways to do this. One way is to make sure your pages are as close as possible to perfect. Google looks at all sorts of different signals when determining which pages get listed on their top 10 page. One of the most important factors is how relevant your pages are to what users are searching for. 

Create Eye Catching & Engaging Titles

The title tag is the most important part of your SEO strategy, so it’s worth taking a second to highlight why it’s so important. The title tag is what appears in bold at the top of your Google search results. Your title tag should be as descriptive, creative, and engaging as possible without being over-the-top.

If you want to improve your Google keyword ranking, you need to make sure that your titles are as keyword-rich as possible. You also want to make sure that your titles are as descriptive, creative, and engaging as possible without being over-the-top.

Google’s algorithm loves long and descriptive titles that are also appealing to the eye. If you want to boost your Google keyword ranking, you need to make sure that your titles are as keyword-rich as possible. 

Stay on Top of Algorithm Updates

Google’s algorithm is always changing and it’s important to stay on top of the updates and make sure that your website is as up-to-date as possible.

Unfortunately, there are many updates that are released that are not announced to the public. These updates are released quietly and you need to stay on top of them to make sure that your website is still relevant and up-to-date for Google to consider including your pages in the search results.

Build Valuable Inbound Links

When you want to improve your Google keyword ranking, the first thing you must do is to build valuable inbound links. The more inbound links you have the better.

However, be careful not to over do it. Building links is a great way to improve your Google keyword ranking, but you must do it in a smart way. You can’t just focus on building links for keywords that appear on your website as there are many other factors that your link building strategy must take into account.

It can be hard to know where to start, but we’ve put together some helpful tips and tricks to get you started on the right track. 

Promote Your Content Strategically

The first thing you should do is to strategically promote your content. When you are using paid ads, you can’t just place an ad for your content everywhere you see a chance. If you do so, you won’t reach your target customer.

Therefore, you have to be smart and choose the most appropriate places for your promoted ads. And the most appropriate places are usually where your target customer is searching. You can use these tips to get more traffic when you are promoting your content strategically:

Use your content as a lead magnet. You can create a free guide, e-book, checklist or any sort of resource that you can offer with your content as a lead magnet.

Then, promote it on social media networks, forums and blogs where you see your target audience frequently visiting.

Create Facebook ads with your content as the main goal. You can also post your e-book on Amazon to drive more traffic to your product listing. 

Continuously Optimize & Improve Content

An effective way to improve your Google keyword ranking is to regularly optimize and revamp your content. The first thing you should do is always focus on improving your content quality as you don’t want to lower your keyword rankings with bad content. Optimizing your content can be done by checking the following:

  • Use the best possible words for your content.
  • High-quality images for your post.
  • An engaging title for your post.
  • Use a good number of links for your content. 

Setup & Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Follow the Google guidelines when creating your Google Business Profile. This will help you build a more effective profile that includes your company information, address, phone number, and other relevant information.

You can also add additional GAP content like a product listing, videos and more to your profile. In addition, you can also add Google My Business reviews and customer reviews to increase your overall online presence. To ensure that your profile is optimized and taking advantage of all of the available options, you should make sure to follow these steps:

  • Add all of your relevant information like your company name, address, email, and website address.
  • Add your other GAP content, like product listings, videos, and reviews.
  • Add your social media accounts, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Build a Blog and Add Quality Content to It

There are a lot of debate about which one of the two, blogs or videos, is the best way to boost your business’s online visibility. There are some people who believe that you should start a blog, and focus on creating quality content for your readership, and there are others who believe that you should start posting videos and focus on marketing your business through this channel.

Whichever you choose, there is no doubt that both are great ways to build your online presence and boost your Google keyword ranking.

Blogs are a great avenue to boost your online presence but, like with social media accounts, you need to be diligent in keeping them updated and fresh. You can also try to promote your articles on social media networks and other relevant websites by posting a link back to your website. 

Create a Good Articles Content Strategy

If you want to boost your Google keyword ranking, you have to have a good articles content strategy. A good strategy starts with an evergreen theme. This means that the content you are creating is always relevant to the topic it’s about.

Next, you need to choose the best possible keywords for your content. Before you start writing, you should know your competition, so that you can make your content better.

You also need to consider what your target audience wants and needs. You can do this by analyzing your website traffic and finding out what content gets the most clicks. 

Try Including User-Generated Content in Your Strategy

Another thing that you can do to improve your Google keyword ranking is to try including user-generated content in your strategy. When you use this method, you are essentially including content that is created by your target audience.

By doing this, you are essentially boosting your Google keyword ranking by giving Google more information about your audience.

Here are some ways that you can use this method:

  • Create a forum or blog and moderate it.
  • Add a question and answer section in your website.
  • Post videos on YouTube.
  • Add answers to questions on Quora.
  • Add images in your articles. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Use Synonyms

If you don’t know what your search terms are, then you have no business trying to improve your Google keyword ranking. There is no better time than now to start doing keyword research and building your keyword arsenal.

Once you have these terms, you can start to harnessing them and take advantage of the powerful Google algorithm. The only way that you will ever be able to successfully improve your Google keyword ranking is by investing time in building your keyword arsenal.

You must crawl before you walk and walk before you run; otherwise you’ll just be wasting your time and energy where it doesn’t belong. 

Google Understands the Importance of Video

Google has been including video in its algorithm for a while now, and it is expected to be a big part of its core algorithm in the future.

In fact, John Mueller, Google’s head of technical infrastructure, said that video is becoming more important than links and that it is a great way to help your website’s rankings in the search engine. This means that you need to make sure that your video content is of the highest quality. You need to make sure that it is relevant, interesting, and well-written.

The only way to guarantee that your video content is of the highest quality is to make sure that you use these tips:

  • Make sure that your video content is well-edited.
  • Make sure that your video content is relevant to the topic.
  • Make sure that your video content is well-written.
  • Make sure that your video content is well-produced.
  • Make sure that your video content is well-designed. 

Try Including Video in Your Strategy

We have discussed above that video is one of the most important ways to improve your Google keyword ranking. However, you can’t just focus on just video content as it is expected to be a big part of Google’s core algorithm in the future.

It is also important to note that video is becoming more important than links and that it is a great way to help your website’s rankings in the search engine. Google has been including video in its algorithm for a while now and it is expected to be a big part

Plan a PPC Campaign to Boost Rankings

Anyone with a working knowledge of SEO will tell you that the most effective way to increase your Google keyword ranking is to improve your website’s organic traffic by attracting more visitors from Google’s search engine.

To do this, you need to increase traffic to your site from the search results page (SERPs) using one of Google’s paid advertising channels, such as Google ads.

There are a number of ways that you can do this, but the most effective is to plan a PPC campaign that boosts your Google keyword rankings by increasing traffic to your site from its search results page (SERPs).

There are two main reasons for this:

  1. PPC campaigns have a much higher click-through-rate (CTR) than organic search traffic.
  2. CTR is one of the most important factors when it comes to improving your Google keyword ranking over time. 

Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy Regularly

It’s important to consider the fact that Google’s algorithms are constantly changing through a process known as ‘seo’. What this means is that you need to stay on top of your SEO strategy and regularly monitor your Google keyword rankings. If your strategy is off, adjust it and start improving your Google keyword rankings again. The key is to keep at it until you see results. 

Create a Good Brand Profile for Your Site

Creating a good brand profile for your site is a crucial step in boosting your Google keyword rankings. A brand profile is a concise summary of your business that you use for your Google business accounts. It should be detailed, accurate, and include all relevant information about your brand, site, products, services, and people.

Your brand profile should be detailed enough so that Google can easily identify your business and specific offerings. This will make it easier for Google to associate your site with relevant topics and keywords when people search for your brand. 

Offer Differentiable Products and Services

If you offer the same products and services over and over again, then you’re doing yourself an injustice—and, most likely, damaging your brand’s reputation. Instead, try to offer products or services that are different from one another, or that have not been discussed much on the internet.

This will help you stand out from the crowd and get noticed. You should also try to offer something new to your customers and make them think, “Wow. I did not know that before.” 

Don’t Over-Optimize Your Keyword Strategy

It’s important to remember that you don’t want to over optimize your keyword strategy. Keywords are a significant factor in your Google keyword rankings, but you should not try to use only high-volume keywords.

Too many keywords can mess with your site’s architecture and make it difficult for Google to understand your content. For example, if your main page has 200 keywords, it’s likely that Google will not understand what you are trying to say. 

Don’t Use Black Hat Tactics to Get Higher Rankings

There are many black hat SEO tactics that you should avoid as they will harm your Google keyword rankings.

Black hat tactics include keyword stuffing, black hat link building, and using deceptive redirects. These are all ways that you can try to manipulate Google’s algorithm to boost your keyword rankings.

Unfortunately, if you do use these kinds of tactics, Google will probably just ban your site from their results pages. If you have to use tools and tricks to improve your Google keyword ranking, then avoid doing so. 

Use Google’s Features to Improve Your Keyword Rankings

There are a number of features that you can use on your SEO audit to improve your Google keyword ranking.

Here are a few of the best ones to help you boost your keyword rankings over time.

Keyword research: This is an important aspect of keyword research, as it helps you identify keywords that are both relevant and useful.

You can also use Google’s Keyword Planner (GSP) to research your keywords. Also to see which related terms people use for your target keywords.

Research Your Market and Find Relevant Terms

Once you’ve identified your keywords, the next thing you need to do is research your market and find relevant terms for your products and services. It’s important to remember that you want to target keywords that are related to your market and your products and services. You can do this by using Google’s Keyword Research tool. 

Draft, Review, Then Publish!

Once you’ve completed your keyword research, you need to draft your content. You will want to create a detailed and well-written blog post that targets the keywords that you researched.

Once you’ve drafted your content, you need to make sure that it meets Google’s high standards. You can do this by using Google’s Keyword Rich Results. Once you’ve made your post Google-ready, you need to publish it on your website. 


Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Approximately 65% of all internet traffic is focused on Google’s results pages.

Keeping this in mind, it’s no surprise that it has become one of the most important search engines for businesses. Google has many different algorithms that determine which websites get listed in its search results and, therefore, get more visitors.

One of those algorithms is known as ‘keyword research’ and it’s something you should take advantage of if you want to improve your Google keyword ranking over time. There are plenty of things that you can do to boost your Google keyword ranking, but the most important thing that you can do is to optimize your content.


Creator of I AM UR TEACHER, Engineer by Degree. 4+ Experience in Digital Marketing, Travel & Gym Lover.

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