With Google’s (and other search engines’) algorithm updates, SEO is a no-holds-barred game. You have to constantly stay on top of your game in order to get your sites an updated rank.

If you’re serious about your SEO, you’ll want to follow the tips in this article to maximize your efforts. This is especially true if you’re using a keyword-heavy approach to SEO. 


Well, that’s because the more keywords that you use, the more prominent those keywords become in the SERPs. When a keyword becomes very prominent in the SERPs, it can help your rankings by increasing the chances of your site showing up for relevant queries. 

However, if you’re keyword-heavy with your pages and content, you have to make sure that the keywords you use are still relevant to your content. Otherwise, you run the risk of having your rankings drop for irrelevant queries. And as you may already know, Google has been known to penalize sites that rank well for irrelevant keywords.

Keyword Prominence

Keyword prominence is a ranking factor that can boost your SEO by 150%. However, it’s important to note that you can’t boost your SEO with more keywords. Rather, this is a factor that only helps your rankings if the keywords are relevant to your content.

The higher your site ranks for a keyword, the more visible it is to users. Thus, relevant keywords become prominent in the SERPs.

Keyword prominence can boost your rankings by 150%. However, keyword prominence is not the same as keyword density.

Keyword density is the average number of times per page a keyword appears.

For example, if a page has the keyword “best iphones” five times in the content, that keyword would have a keyword density of 5%.

Keyword prominence is the number of times a keyword appears in the header or footer of your site, or as a meta tag or title tag. 

Relation Between Keyword Proximity and Prominence

 Keyword proximity helps you rank better for keywords that are close to each other on the page.

For example, if a user types the keyword “iphone repair” into Google, the first listing that comes up is for an iPhone repair company near me.

The close proximity of these two keywords helps the user’s search engine rankings, as they’re more likely to find relevant results for their query.

However, you should also consider keyword proximity with keywords that are not close to each other.

For example, a page could have the keyword “iphone 6 best cases” in the header and “iphone 6s cases” in the footer.

In this case, the two keywords are close in proximity to each other but are not directly related to each other.

Thus, both keywords will be more visible at the top of the page, helping your ranking in the SERPs.

Better understand by keyword prominence example:  

Let’s say that you’re running a fitness website about running. You could include the keywords “running shoes” and “running tips” in your blog post titles. Now, whenever a user searches for “running shoes,” both of these keywords will be prominent in the SERPs.

 Bad lead, No read: Keyword prominence

 Keyword prominence can definitely help boost your SEO, but make sure that you’re not overusing keywords.

It’s important to note that too many keywords in your content will lower your rankings. If you’re keyword-heavy with your pages and content, you have to make sure that the keywords you use are still relevant to your content. Otherwise, you run the risk of having your rankings drop for irrelevant queries.

How do you optimize your site keyword prominence?

Now that you know how keyword prominence can help boost your SEO, let’s talk about how to implement it.

In order to get the most out of keyword prominence, you have to use it strategically. For example, you need to use keyword prominence in your meta tags, in your H1 tags, and in your H2 tags.

Benefits of keyword prominence

When a keyword becomes very prominent in the SERPs, it can help your rankings by increasing the chances of your site showing up for relevant queries. However, it’s important to note that keyword prominence doesn’t give you any more authority.

Furthermore, you have to make sure that the keywords you use will still be relevant to your content.

You also have to make sure that the keywords are used correctly. In other words, you have to make sure that the keywords you choose are not misspellings or irrelevant variations of your keywords.

 Disadvantages of using keyword prominence

The main disadvantage of keyword prominence is that it can hurt your SEO by lowering the authority of your pages.

Google usually ignores keywords that are excessively used on a page because they appear too often for the PageRank of that page to count. Read Other Related Content: Seo Myths and Facts

Does Keyword Prominence Matter for SEO?

Keyword prominence is important for SEO, but only if your keywords are relevant.

However, keyword prominence is only a ranking factor if Google finds it relevant.

For example, if you choose the word “bathrooms” to show up in the SERPs for “bathroom remodeling,” Google won’t consider that keyword when ranking your bathroom remodeling page.

Instead, it’ll just ignore that keyword and show the first-page result for “bathroom remodeling.”

Tips for Boosting Your SEO with Keyword Prominence

Keyword prominence is a ranking factor. Rather, this is a factor that only helps your rankings if the keywords are relevant to your content.

The higher your site ranks for a keyword, the more visible it is to users. Thus, relevant keywords become prominent in the SERPs.

Final Words

It is confirmed that keyword prominence is a ranking factor.

Google has given the signal that using keywords at the beginning of your content is best, then using it after the first appearance. If you also want to rank your content in the search engines, then you must include keywords in your intro part.

But remember don’t overdo it. It will create a keyword stuffing situation.

Frequently Asked Questions-FAQs About Keyword Prominence

What is meant by keyword prominence?

Keyword prominence is the degree to which a keyword appears on a website. It is one of many keywords research metrics that SEO professionals use to determine where to place their keywords on a website.

What is keyword proximity and keyword prominence?

The proximity of a keyword to the beginning or end of a url is called keyword proximity. Keyword prominence is the percentage of times a keyword appears in a url compared to the total number of characters in that url.


Creator of I AM UR TEACHER, Engineer by Degree. 4+ Experience in Digital Marketing, Travel & Gym Lover.

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