As Google has become more stringent with website quality and content, they have recently become more concerned with website load speed. This means that content that cannot be indexed by Google’s page crawlers will not be seen by visitors.

In this blog post, you will learn how to build an HTML Sitemap for your website so that your website is easily crawlable and indexable by Google.

Sitemaps can be defined as a hierarchical list of URLs on a domain.

A website’s Sitemap helps search engines and users understand the structure of your website and which pages are the most important.

They are a great way to help your visitors discover exactly what they need from your site, as well as a great way to help you stay organized and keep track of all of the changes you make to your site.

In this blog post, you will learn how to build an HTML Sitemap for your website, as well as an SEO-friendly crawlable site map for Google. 

What is Sitemap?

A sitemap is an HTML file that contains hyperlinks to each page on a website in order of importance. The sitemap is then crawled by search engines like Google, which helps them understand the structure of the site.

The Sitemap can be used as a navigational tool for users who are looking for a particular section or piece of content on your site. 

Types Of Sitemap

The two types of sitemaps are the XML sitemap and the HTML sitemap.

The XML Sitemap is an extension that allows you to upload an XML file that, when published, lists all URLs on your website. This type of site map is good for those who want to make sure their site is fully indexed by Google.

The HTML Sitemap is a simple text file that lists the URLs on a website in an easy-to-view format. This type of sitemap is useful if you do not want your entire website to be indexed by Google or if you already have a plugin that does this for you.

 What is an HTML Sitemap?

An HTML Sitemap is a document that specifies which URLs on a domain should be indexed.

It helps search engines and users understand the structure of your website and which pages are the most important. It’s a great way to help your visitors discover what they need from your site, as well as a great way to keep track of all of the changes you make to your site.

What is xml sitemap in seo?

An XML sitemap is a process of creating an XML file that allows search engine crawlers to index your website and make it findable by search engines. However, this isn’t a guarantee that your website will be indexed by Google, as they can only crawl so many websites at a time.

If you want to ensure that your website is found and crawled by Google, then building an XML sitemap is the best way to do it. 

Why You Should Leverage HTML Sitemaps

HTML Sitemaps are helpful to both users and search engines. Sitemaps help users find what they’re looking for on your website, while they also help search engines understand the structure of your site and which pages are the most important.

Additionally, since all websites have a unique structure, they can be difficult to create manually and with HTML coding. However, there is an easy way to create one-off HTML sitemaps for your website that are SEO-friendly.

In this blog post you will learn how to use sitemap generator tools such as or to make an SEO-friendly HTML sitemap in minutes that you can add to your website easily. 

Organize Large Websites

In order to create an SEO-friendly website, you have to know the basics of website structure.

Organizing large websites is a common challenge that many people face. When you organize a website, you need to prioritize which content is most important. A good strategy would be to start with your homepage and work your way down.

Serve As A Project Manager & Architect

To make the most of your SEO strategy, you must have a plan. By thinking about your SEO needs and understanding the components needed to execute on those goals, you will be able to identify potential holes in your strategy and fill them before they become problems. You can even formalize this process by hiring an SEO project manager or webmaster.

Highlight The Website’s Purpose

One of the first steps to building an SEO-friendly site map is to highlight the website’s purpose. Ask yourself what your website is about. Is it a blog, news site, ecommerce store, or other type of business?

Once you have determined your website’s purpose, start thinking about what needs your visitors have. What will make them find what they are looking for on your site? What are their most frequently visited pages? This will help you know how to organize your sitemap and webpage.

Next, think about how you would like people to discover content on your site. Do they want it all in one place or do they prefer browsing across multiple pages? Are there any categories that people are currently searching for? If so, make sure to include those in your sitemap and webpage.

You can also use Google Analytics data from your website to help plan out your sitemap and webpage. Just starting with these questions should be enough information for you to start planning out your sitemap and webpage. 

Speed The Work Of Search Engine Crawlers

According to Google, almost two-thirds of the people who come to your website will never even see any content on your site. Instead, they find a lot of dead ends in the form of broken links, missing images, and other issues that can make it difficult for visitors to navigate your website.

This means that if you want to reach these people, you need to be sure that your website has all the information necessary for them to find what they’re looking for quickly. It also means that you need high-quality content on your site so that visitors are enticed enough to stay and explore more of your site.

Sitemaps are a great way for users and search engines like Google to understand what is going on within your website. They can easily tell where all your pages are located and which ones should be most important based on their indexing priorities. 

Increase Search Engine Visibility

In order to increase your website’s visibility, you should create an HTML Sitemap for your website. Search engines use this file to index and crawl the content on your website, so it is important that you have a sitemap that can be crawled and indexed quickly. Irrelevant pages will get ignored by a search engine, which could lead to lost traffic or reduced rankings in SERPs.

Now that you know the importance of creating an SEO-friendly site map for your website.

Enable Page Links In A Natural Way To Drive Visitors

This blog post will teach you how to enable page links in a natural way that will drive visitors to the most important pages of your website.

When a visitor clicks on a link, they are directed to the right section of your site. This is great for users because it makes browsing your site easier and more pleasant than if they had to look through all of the content on your website manually.

In this blog post, you will learn how to build an HTML Sitemap for your website, as well as an SEO-friendly crawlable site map for Google. 

Identify The Areas Where Site Navigation Could Improve

Once you know what your website navigation is, it’s important to identify the areas where site navigation could improve. You can do this by using Lighthouse, an open-source tool from Google. If you don’t have Lighthouse installed yet, you can go to and download the latest version of Lighthouse to use in order to make your website more SEO-friendly.

Lighthouse will analyze a website’s SEO problems and give you suggestions on how to fix them. For example, if your site does not mention any pages that are relevant for a search query then it will suggest adding pages for those search queries.

In order to run a full scan on your site, you need to first download and install Lighthouse on your computer (Lighthouse can be found on the Downloads page). After downloading and installing Lighthouse on your computer, launch it and click on the large magnifying glass icon in the top left corner of the screen. From here, select “Scan Website”.

The next step is identifying what areas of your website could use improvement. So start by clicking on “Site Navigation” in the sidebar of Lighthouse – this will display all of the places where users can navigate through your website. Once you have clicked on Site Navigation, just type in “index”, “home page”, or any other page or category that exists within your site’s navigation hierarchy.

What are some of the benefits of hiring an SEO project manager or webmaster?

  1. They will help you understand how search engines work so that you can build a website that is crawlable and indexable by search engines
  2. Your site will be more likely to rank highly on search engines because it has been built with SEO in mind
  3. They can also create different strategies based on what types of search engine rankings you want
  4. Hiring a project manager or webmaster is a cost-effective way to ensure that your company’s digital marketing efforts are successful. 

Why Is a HTML Sitemap Important for SEO?

An HTML sitemap is important for SEO because it helps your visitors easily find what they are looking for on your website. Search engines like Google can use the sitemaps to crawl and index pages from your website efficiently.

In addition, search engines can better understand the structure of your site and have a better understanding of which pages are the most important. This helps search engines identify the best content on your site and optimize their ranking process.

Sitemaps have become a standard practice for maintaining organizational control over your website’s structure and content. They are an easy way to share information about all of the changes you make to your site as well as help ensure that you aren’t duplicating work or missing updates by not updating your Sitemap with new URLs or rearranging pages in a confusing way. 

Google’s Recommendation Algorithm

As with most things, Google prefers websites that make it easy for the search engine to crawl and index content.

If your website is poorly organized and difficult for Google to find content on, this can result in a low PageRank for your website. This means that when you submit your website to Google, the site will rank lower than sites with less difficulty for Google’s crawlers.

The best way to help your site rank higher is by implementing an HTML Sitemap and making sure that the links on your website are properly formatted for search engines. 

How to Build an HTML Sitemap for Your Website

To build an HTML Sitemap, you will need to install a free plugin called “Google XML Sitemaps.” This plugin is available for WordPress,, Blogger and Joomla.

After you have installed the plugin, go to the configuration page where you can set up your sitemap settings for your website.

Once you have configured your settings, you are ready to create your sitemap!

When creating a new sitemap, make sure that it is named “sitemap” and has no other name in the URL. Then, enter in the following information:

  • The website’s domain name
  • The site’s URL (
  • Your Google Hostname (
  • Your Google Robot file (index_lzw_html5_v2).txt 

SEO-Friendly Crawlable Site Map for Google

In order to build an SEO-friendly crawlable site map for Google, you will need to create a sitemap. You can make this file public in your website’s root or in a folder at the root of your website. You will also want to include the following: 

SEO-Friendly HTML Sitemap for Bing

To build an SEO-friendly HTML Sitemap for Bing, you will need to create a csv file that contains the URLs of your website.

To make sure your sitemap is easy to navigate and indexable by Google, it should be broken up into individual pages with a title.

Each URL in your csv file should have a single line in it, which can include the title of the page and the URL.

You can also include tags or keywords on each line as well. It is important that you use proper tags or keywords when building your sitemap because this helps search engines understand what content is on your site.

Once you have created your sitemap, you can make it public so that anyone who visits your website can see it! 

How to create html sitemap in wordpress?

There are many ways to create a sitemap in WordPress, depending on the plugin you use to manage your website. A recommended plugin that can help you create a sitemap is “WordPress SEO by Yoast.” The plugin can be found in the WordPress dashboard under “Tools” and then “Sitemaps.” This plugin will allow you to easily create a sitemap for your entire website.

Here is how it works:

1) Click on “Add new Sitemap” at the top of the page.

2) Provide a name for the sitemap and click on “Add new Sitemap,” which will take you to the next step.

3) In this step, provide an URL pattern or categories. You can include these on any page, but I recommend including them on every single page of your site because they can be crawled as well. They do not have to be placed in any order or anywhere specific, so just make sure that every page has one.

4) Next, select whether you want it public or private and click on “Save,” which will take you back to the previous screen with all the fields filled out already.

5) Now input your Sitemaps URL and description which should link back to this article! Congratulations! A working sitemap has now been created for your site!

SEO-Friendly HTML Sitemap for your Website

The first step in creating an SEO-friendly HTML Sitemap is to download a tool such as the one offered by SEMrush.

After you have downloaded the tool, go ahead and install it onto your computer. Once it has been installed, open it up and sign in with your account credentials.

After you have signed into your account on SEMrush, go to the left-hand side of the screen and find “Sitemap Settings” in the lower-left hand corner. From here, select “Create New” from the drop down menu.

Once you have selected “Create New” from the drop down menu, you will be able to name your new sitemap. This will make it easy for you to distinguish between different sitemaps that are being created by yourself or someone else on your website. Once you have given your new sitemap a name, click continue and enter some information about your website including how many pages there are and how many words there are on each page.

Once this information has been entered, click continue again and turn on “Show Indexed Content” from the drop down menu if desired. This will allow visitors who visit your site to see which content is indexed by search engines so that they know what content on your website is visible to them without having to manually index each page themselves. After this step has been completed, click continue again and enter some URLs that correspond 


Did you know that search engines can’t crawl a Sitemap?

A website’s structure is vital in many ways. It helps search engines to easily find the content they need and rank the website higher in search engine results. It also helps users to find the information they need. Now that you know why a website needs a sitemap, it’s time to talk about the importance of creating one.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs About HTML Sitemap

Q.1) Does sitemap help seo?

A website’s Sitemap helps search engines and users to understand the structure of your website, as well as which pages are the most important. They are a great way to help your visitors discover exactly what they need from your site. A sitemap is also a great way to track all of the changes you make to your site.

Q.2) Is sitemap necessary for seo?

When you build your sitemap, you are essentially telling search engines what pages on your website will be of the most important to them. This means that if a visitor comes to your site and searches for a specific keyword, they will be directed to the right page with relevant information.

Your sitemap is also a great way to keep track of all of the changes you make on your website and easily see how it’s evolved over time. 

Q.3) What is html sitemap in seo?

An HTML sitemap is a file that contains links to all pages on your site. Search engines like Google and Bing use these files to index your website and understand its hierarchy.

Q.4) Where should sitemap xml be placed?

The first step is finding the proper location for your sitemap xml file. To create an SEO-friendly site map, it is best to place this file on the root directory of your web server, or on a sub-directory within your root directory.

Q.5) Why sitemap is important for seo?

Sitemaps are important for SEO because they help search engines crawl your site and understand its structure. This makes it easier for search engines to find your content and improve the quality of your site’s ranking.

Q.6) Is a sitemap necessary?

A sitemap is not necessary for your website.

However, many website owners choose to build a sitemap in order to help Google index and crawl their content. Some people have also chosen to create a website map so that they can easily find resources on their site and share it with the public.

Q.7) What should a sitemap include?

There are a few things that you should keep in mind when creating an HTML Sitemap for your site.

The first is that you should make sure that the sitemap is easy to read and understand.

Next, consider including things like URLs of websites on which you have placed anchor text linking back to your own site as well as links to products or services offered by you or your business. This will help with discoverability and usability, which in turn will help with SEO.

Q.8) Is HTML sitemap necessary?

Sitemaps are especially important for websites that want to be indexed by Google. Creating a sitemap allows your site to be easily crawled and indexed. If you want your site to rank well on Google and other search engines, you need to make sure that the website is easily crawlable and indexable.


Creator of I AM UR TEACHER, Engineer by Degree. 4+ Experience in Digital Marketing, Travel & Gym Lover.

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