Google’s algorithm is always changing. It’s a constantly-evolving beast, and what’s latest and greatest can sometimes have an adverse effect on older websites and/or older SEO strategies. In the past, Google has penalized websites for links to misinformation or inauthentic sources.

In the more recent update, Google has taken a more subjective approach and penalized websites for treating users and human beings with respect. To put it bluntly, the change is a bug fix.

Google’s first official update for the Google Pigeon Algorithm was on July 24, 2014.

This article is not intended as a how-to guide on how to optimize your website for the Google Pigeon Algorithm update. Instead, this article will highlight the most important things you need to know about the Google Pigeon Algorithm update and how it can affect your SEO.

It’s important to understand the update before you begin making changes to your website or blog. If you’re unsure whether your website or blog is affected by the update, wait until after it has already rolled out. This will give you time to make the necessary adjustments. 

What is the Google Pigeon Algorithm?

The Google Pigeon Algorithm is a new update to the Google search algorithm that was released in April 2019. It’s designed to improve the ranking of websites for specific terms. The update affects all websites, but it’s most important for website owners who are looking to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The Google Pigeon Algorithm is different from the Panda and Penguin updates that were released in previous years. The Google Pigeon Algorithm is more subjective and will penalize websites for a variety of things, including links to misinformation or illegitimate sources. This update can have serious consequences for your website if you don’t understand it and take steps to correct the situation. 

How Does the Google Pigeon Algorithm Update Work?

The Google Pigeon Algorithm is a bug fix that updates the algorithm to better understand how users interact with websites. It was first introduced in August 2013. The algorithm looks at the following factors:

  1.  The number of visits to a website
  2. The quality of the content on a website
  3. The age of a website
  4. The social media presence of a website
  5. The number of backlinks to a website
  6. The number of shares of a website
  7. The number of comments on a website
  8. The rank of a website
  9. The quality of the link-building process
  10. Whether the site is using organic or paid search engine optimization (SEO).

The Google Pigeon Algorithm is still being tweaked and is still changing, so it’s important to do your research and be aware of what’s going on before making any changes to your website or blog. 

Why is the Google Pigeon Algorithm update important?

The Google Pigeon Algorithm update is important because it allows for a more objective review of website content. In the past, websites that complied with the Google Pigeon Algorithm were punished severely.

Now, those same websites can still be penalized, but their punishment will be based on a more subjective algorithm. This change will allow for a more objective review of the website content, which will help to improve the quality and accuracy of search engine results. 

How the Google Pigeon Algorithm update affects SEO?

The Google Pigeon Algorithm update affects websites that use third-party SEO services. If you use a third-party SEO service, your website will be affected by the update. The main changes to the Google Pigeon Algorithm are as follows:

  1. You’ll no longer get penalized for links to misinformation or inauthentic sources.
  2. You’ll now get penalized for treating users and human beings with respect.
  3. Sites that violate these rules can experience a significant penalty on their search engine results page (SERP).
  4. This update is available for all websites, not just those that use Google’s own search engine optimization (SEO) services.
  5. While the Panda update is generally effective in reducing website traffic, it can also have negative consequences for businesses that do not take measures to optimize their sites for the algorithm change. 

What will the Google Pigeon Algorithm update do to my SEO?

The Google Pigeon Algorithm update will affect many aspects of SEO. Some of the most important changes that will be made are as follows:

  • The Penguin Update will increase the importance of link building
  • The Penguin Update will reduce the importance of on-page optimization
  • The Penguin Update will increase the importance of off-page optimization
  • The Panda Update will reduce the importance of organic search traffic
  • The Panda Update will decrease the importance of video marketing

When it comes to SEO, there is no one size fits all approach. If you’re unsure about how the Google Pigeon Algorithm update might affect your website or blog, wait until after it has rolled out and make the necessary adjustments. 

How to optimize your website for the Google Pigeon Algorithm update?

There are a few things you need to do in order to optimize your website for the Google Pigeon Algorithm update.

The first is to make sure that your website is prepared for the update. This means ensuring that your website is up-to-date with all of the latest changes to the algorithm.

Next, make sure that your website is optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). This means ensuring that your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and other SEO-friendly elements are well-positioned on the website.

Finally, make sure that your website is properly linked to relevant websites. By linking to other websites, you will help improve the visibility of your website and increase the chances that people will click through to your site.  Read More Useful Content: Semantic Search

What Exactly Changed with the Pigeon Update?

Google’s update to the Pigeon algorithm was a bug fix. The changes made to the algorithm were designed to improve the overall search engine optimization (SEO) of websites. The main changes included:

  • A change to how penalties are levied against websites that violate Google’s Terms of Service
  • A reduction in how often Penguin updates are conducted
  • An increase in the number of signals that a website must possess in order for it to be considered for a Penguin update
  • A new way for Google to determine if a website is ready for a Penguin update 

Pigeon Changes on the Google SERPs

Before going any further, it’s important to understand the Google Pigeon algorithm. The Google Pigeon algorithm is a change that Google is making to the SERPs. The Google Pigeon algorithm affects how search engines rank websites.

The Google Pigeon algorithm affects all websites, not just those with a page in the top 3% of results.

In general, you should expect your website or blog to experience an impact from the Google Pigeon algorithm update. However, the severity of the impact will vary depending on your website and how well you’ve been prepared for it. 

Pigeon Changes to the Local Pack

The Google Pigeon algorithm updates have resulted in changes to the way that local packages are scored. Previously, websites that were assessed for their local package would receive a lower weighting if they had links to websites that were not considered quality.

The update has caused this to change, and as a result, websites with high-quality links to sites that are not considered quality will now be given a higher weighting. In addition, websites that are assessed for their local package will no longer be penalized for including inauthentic or unreliable content.

This update is significant because it will help websites improve their SEO results. By improving the quality of their content, website owners can expect to see better rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) and higher web traffic.  Read Other Useful Content: Google Rankbrain Algorithm


The Google Pigeon Algorithm update is important because it affects SEO. The update brings about changes to the way the algorithm looks for websites. This means that your website will no longer rank as high as it used to. Additionally, the update will also affect your website’s online visibility.

You need to make sure that you are up to date with the latest changes to your website so that you can continue to enjoy the benefits of the Google Pigeon Algorithm update.


Creator of I AM UR TEACHER, Engineer by Degree. 4+ Experience in Digital Marketing, Travel & Gym Lover.

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