Writing all the information in a paper is not an easy task for a student. You come across various rules and restrictions that go by while writing it. There are chances when you try to look for new ideas and are still not able to find any.

Sometimes the information you writing is copied from a source. All things go fine till you try to practice plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious offense for you as a student and the chances are high that your paper gets rejected by your teacher.

What you can do to avoid plagiarism in the content while writing any paper in school? Well, in this article, I am discussing the various ways in which you can understand how to avoid different types of plagiarism in the most effective way.

Keep reading to learn the best tips that are surely going to help you avoid plagiarism.

5 Tips for Students to Avoid Plagiarism

1. Cite Your Source

If you are getting guidance from any source whether it’s a book, website, article, or graphic, always cite their work. The citation should mention the full name of the person or the site when it was published, and other required things in your paper. It is the best tip to avoid plagiarism and mark the authenticity of your work.

2. Paraphrase the Idea

It is wise to understand the idea about the topic and write in your own words. Copying the idea is correct but copying words along with it can be considered plagiarism. So, it is better to write them in simple words without losing ideas about them. Or you can take the help of AI paraphrasing tools that can help you write unique content. One thing to keep in mind, you are using someone’s idea, hence, it is important to cite the original source to be on the safer side.

3. Use your own insight

Isn’t it great to add value to your paper by adding your own information? Well, try to research in-depth and extensively. Reach a point where you can automatically add information by yourself in a better way. This is a great way to score well by adding your own insight. This will display to the teacher that you have understood the topic satisfactorily.

4. Add Reference Page

When you are in the process of researching information for the paper, note the reference pages side-by-side. This will help you in including these references at the end of your paper. By doing this you can easily avoid plagiarism as you are giving the due credit to the information from where you get it.

One thing to note here, avoid including reference pages after you have written the paper. Why so? Because there is a chance that you might miss some of the references and that will lead to being assumed as plagiarized content.

5. Ask your Mentor

The most effective way to avoid plagiarism in your content is to ask your mentor, teacher, or faculty about the assignment. This will assist in a better understanding of the topic. Moreover, this will divert you from copying old assignments.

Take time, talk with your professor and look for group discussions to get ideas about the paper. Ask your teacher for the requirements for the assignment, a reference page, or in-text citation. This will allow you to have enough time to prepare for it and work on it sincerely.

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What Are the Consequences of Finding Guilty of Plagiarism?

You as a student try to avoid plagiarism. However, you must know if you try to plagiarize the content, there are consequences from mild to severe. Let’s have a brief look at them.

1. Mild Plagiarism

In this, you are found guilty of the omission of the reference list at the end of the paper and the omission of the quotation marks where necessary. You will be considered for a grade penalty or automatic zero.

2. Moderate Plagiarism

In this, you are found guilty with copied text and paraphrasing without citation. The consequences are high and you will get failing grades on the course.

3. Severe Plagiarism

In this, you are found guilty of paper written by someone else or you have just done the patchwork of the original content. The consequences are severe as the name suggests. You will be expelled or will get academic probation.


To sum up, plagiarism is regarded as a serious offense and the consequences are heavy as well. Even if it was done unintentionally, you can get severe outcomes for that. Hence, if you think there is any doubt and is not sure about the plagiarized content, use a plagiarism checker.

This will help in identifying your plagiarized content percentage. In addition, you can proofread the content. Proofreading doesn’t take much time, but it can save you from missing out on any point in the paper.

Remember, once you understand the importance of avoiding plagiarism from your content, you have better chances to score well and stay out of the consequences.

By Jessica Robinson

Jessica Robinson loves to write interesting and knowledgeable blogs regarding business management, education and life to satiate the curiosity of her lovely readers. Currently, she is serving as a content manager at the ‘Speaking Polymath’. Every piece of content that she writes demonstrates her immense love and passion for her profession.

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